Explicit / Implicit Class Constructors

It's not just overloading that can be a mess. C++ has a bunch of rules about implicit / explicit type conversion for single argument constructors.

For example:

class MagicNumber {
    MagicNumber(int value) {}

void magic(const MagicNumber &m) {

int main() {
    return 0;

The function magic() takes a const MagicNumber & yet we called it with 2016 and it still compiled. How did it do that? Well our MagicNumber class has a constructor that takes an int so the compiler implicitly called that constructor and used the MagicNumber it yielded.

If we didn't want the implicit conversion (e.g. maybe it's horribly expensive to do this without knowing), then we'd have to tack an explicit keyword to the constructor to negate the behaviour.

explicit MagicNumber(int value) {}

It demonstrates an instance where the default behavior is probably wrong. The default should be explicit and if programmers want implicit they should be required to say it.

C++11 adds to the confusion by allowing classes to declare deleted constructors which are basically hints to the compiler to say, "if you see something resembling this, then generate a compiler error".

For example, perhaps we only want implicit int constructors to match but we want to stop somebody passing in a double. In that case we can make a constructor for double and then delete it.

class MagicNumber {
    MagicNumber(int value) {}
    MagicNumber(double value) = delete;

void magic(const MagicNumber &m) {

magic(2016);   // OK
magic(2016.0); // error: use of deleted function 'MagicNumber::MagicNumber(double)'

How Rust helps

Rust does not have constructors and so there is no implicit conversion during construction. And since there is no implicit conversion there is no reason to have C++11 style function delete operators either.

This might seem counter intuitive and a bit painful, but we've just seen the problems they cause in C++.

But what does Rust let you do instead then? The answer in Rust is that a "constructor" is just any old function that yields an instance of your struct. By convention you will normally see a new() function like this:

struct MagicNumber { /* ... */ }

impl MagicNumber {
  pub fn new(value: i32) -> MagicNumber { /* ... */ }

You can write as many explicit "constructor" functions but since Rust doesn't do operator overloading they must be named explicitly, e.g. perhaps we have a new(i32), new_double(f64) etc.

Using traits to simplify new()

This can get clumsy so we can use generic patterns to simplify our code.

impl MagicNumber {
  fn new<T>(value: T) -> MagicNumber where T: Into<MagicNumber> {

We have said here that the new() function takes as its argument anything that type T which implements the trait Into<MagicNumber>. Then our implementation just calls into(), expecting the compiler to invoke the T:Into<MagicNumber>::into() to yield a MagicNumber.

So we could implement it for i32:

impl Into<MagicNumber> for i32 {
   fn into(self) {
     MagicNumber { /* ... */ }

Now our client code can just call new and providing it provides a type which implements that trait our constructor will work:

   let magic = MagicNumber::new(2016);
   // But this won't work because f64 doesn't implement Into<MagicNumber> trait
   let magic = MagicNumber::new(2016.0);

Default constructor

Sometimes we need a default constructor, i.e. we need to make instance of a struct in its default state. In C++ we'd have a constructor that takes no arguments. As there are no constructors in Rust, we could just write a function that takes no arguments and yields the struct:

struct Point {
  x: f64,
  y: f64

impl Point {
  fn new() -> Point { x: 0.0, y: 0.0 }

So our new() just spits out a Point with default values.

But Rust offers a better way to do the same. Structs may implement the Default trait which has a single function that yields a default instance of that type:

impl Default for Point {
  fn default() -> Point { x: 0.0, y: 0.0 }

let pt1 = Point::default();
// Or
let pt2: Point = Default::default();

But Default is implemented on all the primitives including f64. So we could have also initialised x (and similarly y) by saying x: Default::default().

And since all the members of the struct implement Default, Rust also lets us just derive it for the entire struct:

struct Point {
  x: f64,
  y: f64

let pt1 = Point::default();
let pt2: Point = Default::default();

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