
C / C++ Preprocessor

C languages are little unusual in that they are compiled in two phases. The first phase is called the preprocess. In this phase, the preprocessor looks for directives starting with a # symbol and runs string substitution and conditional inclusion / exclusion based on those directives. Only after the file has been preprocessed does the compiler attempt to compile it.

Preprocessor directives start with a # symbol. For example the #define directive creates a macro with an optional value:

#define IS_WINDOWS

We'll explore macros more in a moment. Another directive is the #if\#else\#endif or #ifdef\#else\#endif which can be used to include code from one branch or the other of a test according to what matches.


Another directive is #include. In C and C++, public functions and structures are typically defined and implemented in separate files. The #include directive allows a header to be pulled in to the front of any file that makes use of those definitions.

// System / external headers tend to use angle style
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>

// Local headers tend to use double quotes
#include "MyClass.h"

The important thing to remember in all of this is ALL of these things happen before the compiler even starts! Your main.c might only be 10 lines of code but if you #include some headers the preprocessor may be feeding many thousands of lines of types, functions into the compiler, all of which are evaluated before they get to your code.

C / C++ Macros

Macros are string substitution patterns performed by the preprocessor before the source is compiled. As such they can be very prone to error and so have been deprecated in favour of constants and inline functions.

Here is a simple macro that would behave in an unexpected manner:

#define MULTIPLY(x, y) x * y
int x = 10, y = 20;
int result = MULTIPLY(x + 1, x + y);
// Value is NOT 330 (11 * 30), it's 41 because macro becomes x + 1 * x + y

The macro is very simple - multiply x by y. But it fails if either argument is an expression. Judicious use of parentheses might avoid the error in this case, but we could break it again using some pre or post increments.

Macros in C++ are also unhygenic, i.e. the macro can inadvertently conflict with or capture values from outside of itself causing errors in the code.

#define SWAP(x, y) int tmp = y; y = x; x = y;
int tmp = 10;
int a = 20, b = 30;
SWAP(a, b); // ERROR

Here our SWAP macro uses a temporary value called tmp that already existed in the scope and so the compiler complains. A macro might avoid this by using shadow variables enclosed within a do / while(0) block to avoid conflicts but it is less than ideal.

#define SWAP(x, y) do { int tmp = y; y = x; x = y } while(0);

Consequently inline functions are used wherever possible. Even so macros are still frequently used in these roles:

  • To conditionally include for a command-line flag or directive, e.g. the compiler might #define WIN32 so code can conditionally compile one way or another according to its presence.
  • For adding guard blocks around headers to prevent them being #include'd more than once. Most compilers implement a "#pragma once directive" which is an increasingly common alternative
  • For generating snippets of boiler plate code (e.g. namespace wrappers), or things that might be compiled away depending on #defines like DEBUG being set or not.
  • For making strings of values and other esoteric edge cases

Writing a macro is easy, perhaps too easy:

#define PRINT(x) \
  printf("You printed %d", x);

This macro would expand to printf before compilation but it would fail to compile or print the wrong thing if x were not an integer.

Rust macros

Macros in Rust are quite a complex topic but they are more powerful and safer than the ones in C++.

  • Rust macros are hygenic. That is to say if a macro contains variables, their names do not conflict with, hide, or otherwise interfere with named variables from the scope they're used from.
  • The pattern supplied in between the brackets of the macro are tokenized and designated as parts of the Rust language. identifiers, expressions etc. In C / C++ you can #define a macro to be anything you like whether it is garbage or syntactically correct. Furthermore you can call it from anywhere you like because it is preprocessed even before the compiler sees the code.
  • Rust macros are either declarative and rule based with each rule having a left hand side pattern "matcher" and a right hand side "substitution". Or they're procedural and actualy rust code turns an input into an output (see section below).
  • Macros must produce syntactically correct code.
  • Declarative macros can be exported by crates and used in other code providing the other code elects to enable macro support from the crate. This is a little messy since it must be signalled with a #[macro_export] directive.

With all that said, macros in Rust are complex - perhaps too complex - and generally speaking should be used as sparingly as possible.

Here is a simple declarative macro demonstrating repetition called hello_x!(). It will take a comma separated list of expressions and say hello to each one of them.

macro_rules! hello_x {
  ($($name:expr),*) => (
    $(println!("Hello {}", $name);)*
// The code can supply as many arguments it likes to this macro
hello_x!("Bob", "Sue", "John", "Ellen");

Essentially the matcher matches against our comma separate list and the substitution generates one println!() with the message for each expression.

Hello Bob
Hello Sue
Hello John
Hello Ellen

What if we threw some other expressions into that array?

hello_x!("Bob", true, 1234.333, -1);

Well that works too:

Hello Bob
Hello true
Hello 1234.333
Hello -1

What about some illegal code:

hello_x!(Aardvark {});

We get a meaningful error originating from the macro.

error[E0422]: `Aardvark` does not name a structure
8 | hello_x!(Aardvark {});
  |          ^^^^^^^^
<std macros>:2:27: 2:58 note: in this expansion of format_args!
<std macros>:3:1: 3:54 note: in this expansion of print! (defined in <std macros>)
<anon>:5:7: 5:35 note: in this expansion of println! (defined in <std macros>)
<anon>:8:1: 8:23 note: in this expansion of hello_x! (defined in <anon>)

Real world example - vec!()

Rust comes with a lot of macros for reducing some of the leg work of tedious boiler plate. For example the vec!() macro is a way to declare a std::Vec and prepopulate it with some values.

Here is the actual vec! macro source code taken from the Rust source:

macro_rules! vec {
    ($elem:expr; $n:expr) => (
        $crate::vec::from_elem($elem, $n)
    ($($x:expr),*) => (
        <[_]>::into_vec(box [$($x),*])
    ($($x:expr,)*) => (vec![$($x),*])

It looks complex but we will break it down to see what it does. Firstly it has a match-like syntax with three branches that expand to anything that matches the left hand side:

First branch

The first matcher matches a pattern such as 1; 100. The value 1 goes into $elem, the value 100 goes into $n:

($elem:expr; $n:expr) =>  (
        $crate::vec::from_elem($elem, $n)

The $crate is a special value that resolves to the module crate which happens to be std.

So this expands to this:

let v = vec!(1; 100);
// 1st branch matches and it becomes this
let v = std::vec::from_elem(1, 100);

Second branch

The second matcher contains a glob expression - zero or more expressions separated by comma (the last comma is optional). Each matching expression ends up in $x:

($($x:expr),*) => (
        <[_]>::into_vec(box [$($x),*])

So we can write:

let v = vec!(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
// 3nd branch matches and it becomes this
let v = <[_]>::into_vec(box [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);

The box keyword tells Rust to allocate the supplied array on the heap and moves the ownership by calling a helper function called intovec() that wraps the memory array with a Vec instance. The <[\]>:: at the front is a turbo-fish notation to make the into_vec() generic function happy.

Third branch

The third branch is a little odd and almost looks the same as the second branch. But take at look the comma. In the last branch it was next to the asterisk, this time it is inside the inner $().

($($x:expr,)*) => (vec![$($x),*])

The matcher matches when the the comma is there and if so recursively calls vec!() again to resolve to the second branch matcher:

Basically it is there so that there can be a trailing comma in our declaration and it will still generate the same code.

// 3rd branch matches this
let v = vec!(1, 2, 3, 4, 5,);
// and it becomes this
let v = vec!(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
// which matches 2nd branch to become
let v = <[_]>::into_vec(box [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);

Procedural Macros

So far we've talked about declarative macros that expand out to be Rust code based upon how they pattern match the rules defined by the macro.

A second kind of macro is the procedural macro. A procedural macro is a plugin written in Rust that is compiled and loaded by the compiler to produce arbitrary Rust code as its output.

A procedural macro can therefore be thought of as a code generator but one that forms part of the actual compiler. Procedural macros can be particularly useful for:

  • Serialization / deserialization (e.g. the serde module generates code for reading and writing structs to a variety of formats - JSON, YAML, TOML, XML etc.)
  • Domain Specific Languages (e.g. embedded SQL, regular expressions etc).
  • Aspect oriented programming (e.g. extra debugging, performance metrics etc)
  • New lint and derive rules

For more information look at this section on compiler plugins in the Rust book.

Other forms of conditional compilation

We saw that the C / C++ preprocessor can be used for conditional compilation. The equivalent in Rust is attributes. See the attributes section to see how they may be used.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""